Personal Writing Course with Journalist Katie Glass

This writing course is open to all levels but tailored to beginners keen to gain confidence in personal writing.

Calling all aspiring writers, day-dreamers, shopping-list poets…!

Over four monthly sessions we’ll work together to help you produce a piece of personal writing.

You don’t have to be a confident writer to take part. If anything this group is about gaining confidence, helping you find your voice, deciding what stories you want to tell and how you want to tell them.

We’ll be doing some workshops and sharing our work (if you feel comfortable!) but mostly the emphasis will be on finding inspiration and enjoying the writing process itself – ultimately helping you produce a final piece of personal writing you’re proud of.

There will also be plenty of opportunity to share your writing – and get feedback amongst a supportive, encouraging group.

The four sessions will be held on the first Thursday of the month, starting February 3rd 2022, with the last session on May 5th. 7-9pm. Fee £40 (concessions available) plus booking fee for the 4 sessions. You need to commit to the duration of the course. The four dates of the course are: February 3rd, March 3rd, April 7th, May 5th.

The venue is the Art Bank itself, on a Thursday evening when the bar is open. As such, please note there will be light background music while we work, but it will not be too distracting.

The course is led by writer and journalist Katie Glass whose work regularly appears in publications including The Sunday Times and currently writes a column about her life in Somerset for The Telegraph.

For more details contact Katie on

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